Lisa Hart
AFF Instructor, Team Fastrax, Coach

Lisa Hart
What are your PRIMARY roles at the DZ?
- AFF Instructor
- Team Fastrax
- Coach
How many years in the sport/industry?
When you were a kid, were there any early activities that might indicate you’d one day become a skydiver?
What was the circumstance that led you to make your very first skydive?
Signed up for the OSU FJC for a college credit before graduating. I had always wanted to skydive and that was my opportunity.
What made you want to continue skydiving after your first jump?
I loved it! During freefall was the first time I had ever felt completely quiet and peaceful like nothing else in the world mattered.
What’s the best/most memorable skydive you’ve ever made, and what made it so remarkable?
That’s hard. The best would probably be the Women’s State Record (9-way, 3 point) because I was able to organize the jump with 8 other awesome ladies and it only took one jump to complete. Most memorable wasn’t even the actual jump; it was when I took my younger sister on her first AFF because she wouldn’t stop being so emotional before the jump. She cried intermittently the entire plane ride up, we did three go-arounds, and finally got her to admit that while she trusted her instructors to keep her safe and her equipment to work properly, it was herself that she didn’t trust. I told her I would never let anything happen to her and that no matter what we would get a parachute above her head, but that she had to take over once that happened. The actual jump wasn’t memorable as it was a pretty standard AFF, the before and after is what I actually remember because after all the emotions and drama leading up to the jump, when she landed, the first thing she yelled across the landing area was “can we do it again!?”
If you have one, what’s your personal motto/philosophy as it relates to skydiving?
During a skydive, there is nothing else in the world to be concerned about except the skydive. All other problems disappear and the only thing that matters is this quiet, peaceful minute until the parachute opens.
What three words would your colleagues/students use to describe you as a skydiver?
Knowledgeable. Fun. Hangry.
Word of Encouragement for First-Time Jumpers:
If you ever thought you might like it, I promise you’ll love it!