Johnny Cockrell
AFF Instructor, Videographer, Coach

Johnny Cockrell
What are your PRIMARY roles at the DZ?
- AFF Instructor
- Videographer
- Coach
How many years in the sport/industry?
When you were a kid, were there any early activities that might indicate you’d one day become a skydiver?
I would always get in trouble in P.E. class for going on top of the slides & climbing poles and jumping off of them.
What was the circumstance that led you to make your very first skydive?
I had some extra cash and a Saturday off. So, one of my best friends and I pulled an all-nighter the Friday before, bought some “SuperMan” shirts from Walmart, and made our way to Skydive Quincy Florida to go on a tandem skydive.
What made you want to continue skydiving after your first jump?
The culture at the DZ was positively infectious and I felt like I fit right in. After landing from the tandem I just knew I would be doing it the rest of my life.
What’s the best/most memorable skydive you’ve ever made, and what made it so remarkable?
The Ohio State 27-Way Vertical HD formation record we set at StartSkydiving in 2019. This was the biggest formation I had the pleasure of being a part of, not to mention my 8th jump after taking a 3-year break from the sport for personal reasons. This jump totally re-lit my passion for the sport and made me hungry to take my skills to the next level, while setting a good example and helping new skydivers achieve their goals!
If you have one, what’s your personal motto/philosophy as it relates to skydiving?
Calm, cool, collected … don’t be in your head, but be in the moment…Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, come on boys … IT’S SKYDIVE TIME!!!
What three words would your colleagues/students use to describe you as a skydiver?
Cheerful. Outgoing. Optimistic.
Word of Encouragement for First-Time Jumpers:
At least do it once, whether it’s a tandem(preferred) or a category A jump. Everyone should experience the freedom of free fall at least once in their life.