John Hart II
DZO, AFF Instructor, Videographer, Ground Crew, Customer Service, Team Fastrax, Coach

John Hart II
What are your PRIMARY roles at the DZ?
- AFF Instructor
- Videographer
- Ground Crew
- Customer Service
- Team Fastrax
- Coach
How many years in the sport/industry?
When you were a kid, were there any early activities that might indicate you’d one day become a skydiver?
I used to jump over deep road construction ditches.
What was the circumstance that led you to make your very first skydive?
The military.
What made you want to continue skydiving after your first jump?
My brother David got me hooked on 4Way RW
What’s the best/most memorable skydive you’ve ever made, and what made it so remarkable?
Jumping over New York City with seven large American flags on the 7th anniversary of 9-11 and hearing the City chant USA!
If you have one, what’s your personal motto/philosophy as it relates to skydiving?
Look within, leap beyond!
What three words would your colleagues/students use to describe you as a skydiver?
Creative. Generous. Thoughtful.
Word of Encouragement for First-Time Jumpers:
You will be among the few that see the world from my point of view!