Tandem Instructor

What is your PRIMARY role at the DZ?
Tandem Instructor
How many years in the sport/industry?
When you were a kid, were there any early activities that might indicate you’d one day become a skydiver?
Growing up around skydivers and helping my dad at the DZ.
What was the circumstance that led you to make your very first skydive?
I was 14 and the opportunity came up to do a tandem. So, I did.
What made you want to continue skydiving after your first jump?
It just seemed natural to keep going.
What’s the best/most memorable skydive you’ve ever made, and what made it so remarkable?
There have been so many … but it probably was jumping in Washington State with the moon, the sun, the Pacific Ocean, and Mt. Rainer all in view.
If you have one, what’s your personal motto/philosophy as it relates to skydiving?
Keep your head on a swivel and enjoy the ride.
What three words would your colleagues/students use to describe you as a skydiver?
He’s good.