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Weather Resources

Current Conditions & Forecasting Tools

Look Ahead!

Middletown, US
2:36 am, Feb 25, 2025
temperature icon 42°F
scattered clouds
Humidity 75 %
Pressure 1011 mb
Wind 3 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 0 mph
Clouds Clouds: 40%
Visibility Visibility: 6 mi
Sunrise Sunrise: 7:16 am
Sunset Sunset: 6:25 pm

Circle of licensed skydivers captured mid transition while building a mixed orientation formation

Unfavorable Weather Conditions


Clouds & Fog

Rain, Lightning, Thunder, Storms …


Wind Speed Conversion Calculator

NOAA National Weather Service Terminal Air Forecasts (TAFs)

Provides cloud layers and ground wind direction/strength predictions
General area weather
Only available for major airports
KMWO is between CVG and DAY and often has slightly different weather
Only updates every 6 hrs
Need to calculate Zulu
Licensed skydivers launch a head up round from the Cessna 208 Grand Caravan
9 way skydiving belly formation & AWOS

Very specific to MWO
Near real time
Cloud, visibility, and wind/gust readings
Detects lightning in the vicinity
Does not predict weather
Screen in packing hangar needs refreshing for current data

Winds Aloft

Winds predictions for all altitudes
Very specific to location
Provides air temperature predictions at altitude
“See Raw Data” to find more accurate wind shear
Click “+1 hr” at the top to see predictions
Ground winds are not good predictions
Temperatures given in ºC
Four licensed skydivers in freefall flying a steep angle
Two members of Team Fastrax fly a demonstration jump with a 5,000 square foot American flag

Ryan Carlton Balloonists’ Wind Forecast

Winds predictions for all altitudes
Very specific to location (when at an airport)
Provides air temperature predictions at altitude
Can view multiple hours at once
Can click an arrow on the right side to see future predictions
Ground winds are not good predictions
When not at an airport, must find a nearby airport as data source

Windy (WindyTV)

Ground gust predictions
Radar visualization
Can use overseas
Less intuitive to use
Winds aloft data is available but tougher to find
Two skydivers angle flying with one placing his food on the chest of the other simulating sky surfing
A licensed skydiver flying in for landing beneath a small gray and black parachute

Spot Assist

Very visual
Helps determine how far you can exit from DZ and have a high chance of making it back
Provides visual of canopy flight
Ability to choose canopy type and wing loading (takes glide ratio into account)
Can use overseas
Does not produce weather predictions
Canopy types are generalizations
Fairly generic information provided

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