Skydiving in Ohio: Why Choose Us?
Posted by: Start Skydiving
1 year ago
When you think of extreme sports, Ohio probably isn’t the first place that comes to mind. But you’d be wrong! In Ohio, skydiving not only exists, it thrives! As it turns out, the wide open fields of the Buckeye State are the perfect place to land a parachute.
And there’s certainly no shortage of dropzones to choose from when it comes to skydiving in Ohio. Especially with tandem skydiving, Ohio can present a bit of a paradox of choice. Skydiving for beginners is overwhelming enough without the added stress of sorting through several different locations!
If you want a top of the line skydiving experience, it’s important that your skydiving instructors, skydiving equipment, and skydiving safety are all the best of the best. That’s why it’s helpful to know that the dropzone you end up at has the best skydiving Ohio has to offer. And that’s exactly what we do here at Start Skydiving.
Whether you’re looking for skydiving in Columbus, skydiving in Cleveland, skydiving in Akron, Ohio, or anywhere in between, make sure that Start Skydiving is at the top of your list!
Why should we be your number one choice? Skydiving reviews certainly help, but how can you know for sure? Read through these dropzone details and skydiving tips and decide for yourself whether or not we offer one of the best skydiving packages in Ohio!

Professionalism is Key
How a business presents itself is usually the very first indicator of what kind of experience it has to offer. Customers can’t see what goes on behind the scenes, they can only experience the result of all that hard work. That’s why we take our reputation very seriously at Start Skydiving.
First and foremost, we are a USPA member dropzone and adhere to all United States Parachute Association rules and regulations. That means that right out of the gate (or airplane door, if you will), our operations are governed by the guidance of the highest ranking authority on skydiving in the United States.
And when it comes to the boots on the ground, Start Skydiving is owned and operated by a father and two sons. Talk about feeling like family! Every customer who walks through our doors is treated like a guest at Sunday dinner. And the planes you’re jumping out of? The very same ones that we trust our actual family to.
Speaking of airplanes, we own three of the most sought after jump planes and we keep them in tip-top shape with our maintenance facility right on site. That means no issue ever goes overlooked, and there’s no putting things off until we can get them taken care of. Our plane doctors are right next door for a quick house call.
The founder of our company served in the Special Forces, and it shows in every corner of our facilities. Our staff are given the most up-to-date training, our buildings are kept squeaky clean, and no detail is too small to ensure your experience is once-in-a-lifetime worthy.

We Love Customer Service
Google “skydiving near me” and you’ll see that Start Skydiving has four times as many Google reviews as any other dropzone in the state, and a whole bunch on Tripadvisor and Facebook too. That’s no accident. Start Skydiving is driven by customer service. We might even love it as much as we love jumping out of airplanes, and that’s saying something.
Our attention to detail begins before we even meet you. The price to skydive with us is the price you see. There’s no bait and switch with additional fees or unexpected add-ons like you’ll find at so many dropzones throughout the US.
And from the moment you walk in, we want you to feel focused on nothing but fun. Our check-in process is organized and frustration-free. You’re about to fall through the air at 120 mph, you shouldn’t have to worry about administrative tasks when you already have enough to think about.
You can even have fun with us on the ground. Sometimes, skydiving involves a fair bit of waiting. Waiting on the plane, waiting on weather to clear, waiting for your jump time. No stress! We have plenty of games to keep your mind from wandering into that pesky fight or flight mode while you’re waiting to actually take flight.
We even have an indoor ropes course in the hangar! No one said you can’t do two extreme things in one day. (Actually, side note, you can’t SCUBA and then skydive in a 24 hour period, but you don’t have to worry about that so much in Ohio.)
Our customer service obsession doesn’t just end with the everyday customer. We know that skydiving is for everybody, and want as many people to experience the joy of human flight as possible. That’s why we offer accessible skydiving for people with disabilities.
The sky is a special place, and we want to share it with you.
Stick Around and See What You Can Do!
Loved your tandem? How about going solo??
Our student program will take you through the process to get your very own skydiving license. Ohio might not seem like the place you imagined becoming an extreme athlete, but the training program at our Jump Institute is one of the main focuses of our business.
Whether you’re looking to become a weekend warrior or a bonafide world champion, we have the resources to get you there.

Bump Elbows With the Pros
If all of this wasn’t enough to convince you, maybe a little bit of celebrity status will.
Start Skydiving is the home of Team Fastrax, a demo skydiving team consisting of 45 demonstrators who jump into the largest sporting events throughout the United States. They do all of their training at Start Skydiving, and this level of excellence rubs off on everyone.
Who knows? Maybe your tandem jump will lead you to become a professional skydiver yourself! Book your epic Ohio skydiving experience today! Blue skies.